2022 Annual workshop on Statistical Methods for Post Genomic Data (SMPGD)

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The 2022 annual workshop on Statistical Methods for Post Genomic Data (SMPGD) will take place at the Université de Nantes on 20-21 January 2022.
It aims to present works from mathematical to applied statistics, but also new areas in high throughput biology that could need new statistical developments.

The main topics include :
-Next Generation Association Studies with Key speaker Luliana Ionita-Laza (Columbia University),
-Single-Cell and Intercellular Communication with Key speaker Yvan Saeys (Ghent University, Belgium),
-Sarscov2, Epidemiology and Phylodynamics with Key speaker Marion Ragonnet-Cronin (Imperial College London),
-Topological Data Analysis and other methods with Key speaker Mathieu Carrière (Sophia Antipolis, INRIA).

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Numerical methods for multiscale models arising in physics and biology

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This workshop will provide an opportunity to take stock of the latest advances in the domain of analysis and numerical simulation of multi scale problems arising in physics and biology.

The workshop receives the financial support from the ANR project MoHyCon which addresses multiscale models and hybrid numerical methods for semiconductors. Depending on the scale of observation, there exists different types of mathematical models to depict complex phenomena. MoHyCon focuses on kinetic models (more accurate but highly time and resource consuming) and fluid models (simpler to solve numerically but less precise) and possibly to hybrid coupling models.

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Hodge Ideals and Mixed Hodge modules

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Du 1 au 5 avril, nous avons organisé la rencontre du GDR singularités et applications. Nous avons fait le choix de faire 3 mini-cours :

1) Claude Sabbah a présenté pendant 5h, les modules de Hodge mixtes qui sont des outils très techniques et qui sont de plus en plus utilisés.

2) Néro Budur qui a présenté pendant 4h les idéaux de Hodge qui sont la « traductions des modules de Hodge mixte » au cas de la géométrie birationnelle.

3) Michel Granger a présenté pendant 5h des derniers résultats sur les polynômes de Bernstein.

Nous avons eu 45 participants qui venaient pour la plupart d’Europe avec quelques américains et coréens.

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Fibrations and Algebraic Group Actions

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Le projet ANR FIBALGA travaille sur les variétés sphériques et des groupes d'automorphismes des fibration de Mori. La première rencontre {\bf FIBALGA à Angers} se déroule à Angers et se concentre aux variétés sphériques avec des exposé introductoires sur les motivations et méthodes et des exposés de genre groupe de travail.

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Instanton gauge theory and applications to 3-manifolds topology

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L’objectif de cette conférence est de regrouper à Nantes des chercheurs intéressés par ce sujet, pour étudier ensemble la théorie des instantons et ses applications, tutorés par un des meilleurs jeunes experts sur le sujet, en essayant de comprendre si les techniques peuvent être encore poussées et fournir de nouvelles informations sur les 4-varietés.


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A.N. Shiryaev and contemporary probability theory

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Ce workshop est dédié au Professeur Albert Nikolaevich Shiryaev, qui va recevoir le titre de Docteur Honoris Causa de l'Université d'Angers, le 2 décembre 2015.

Le professeur Albert Nikolaevich Shiryaev est l’un des plus grands spécialistes mondiaux de la théorie des probabilités, de la statistique et de mathématique financière. Un parcours professionnel des plus brillants, une production scientifique hors du commun, une multitude de disciples à travers le monde et de nombreuses distinctions déjà reçues de la part de la communauté mathématique le placent également au tout premier plan sur la scène scientifique internationale.

Au cours de ce workshop des chercheurs invités et des chercheurs de la Fédération de Recherche Mathématiques de Pays de Loire présenteront leurs travaux.


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Advanced Methods in Mathematical Finance

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This conference is devoted to the innovations in the mathematical analysis of financial data, new numerical methods for finance and applications to the risk modeling. The topics selected include risk measures, credit contagion, insider trading, information in finance, stochastic control and its applications to portfolio choices and liquidation, models of liquidity, pricing, and hedging. During this manifestation we plan to present new models, new methods and new results in quantitative finance , to include an analysis of new financial products, to give several application-oriented presentation of mathematical finance, to cover the questions related with actuariat. More specifically, we will give priority to the following topics:

  • Actuariat and Mathematical Finance
  • Analysis of Financial markets with transation costs
  • Microstructure of the Financial markets
  • High frequency trading in Finance
  • Pricing and hedging in credit risk modelling
  • SDEs and BSDEs in Mathematical Finance
  • Stochastic analysis and its applications
  • Optimal control and its applications

Pour plus de renseignements, voir le site

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[Matpyl, Angers] 2010 Workshop on Algebraïc Geometry and Physics (WAGP)

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The Workshop will take place on June 7 to 11, 2010, in Saint Jean de Monts (Vendée, France) - see http://uk.saint-jean-de-monts.com/

This year's topic will be


WAGP2010 is the 15th event of a series of Schools and Workshops that have been organized by the Mathematical Physics and Geometry group of the International School for Advanced Studies in Trieste in conjunction with leading institutions around the world. Past events have taken place in Trieste, Salamanca and Medina del Campo (Spain), Luminy (France), Como (Italy), Philadelphia (USA), Vienna (Austria), Tianjin (China), Seoul (Korea), Hangzhou (China), Maresias (Brazil). You may have a look at the past events at the following link:


Deformation quantization, i.e., the study of the deformation of classical structures, such as Poisson manifolds, to noncommutative spaces, has been, together with its many applications, one of the central characters in the deep and fruitful interplay between geometry and physics that has taken place in the last 20 years. With its connections with, and applications to, noncommutative geometry, integrable systems, quantum field theory and strings, it represents a crossing point of many fundamental areas of research in present-day mathematics and theoretical physics. In the tradition of this series of events, this year's workshop aims at discussing the state of the art in this field, with a special emphasis on the mutual interactions between the physics and the mathematics communities.

Speakers: A. Alekseev, H. Bursztyn*, D. Calaque, A. Caldararu, A. D'Agnolo, G. Dito, B. Enriquez, B. Fedosov, F. Ferrari, G. Halbout, G. Landi, P. Piazza*, P. Schapira, B. Tsygan*, P. van Moerbeke

The programme will include three minicourses (two of them given by D. Calaque and A. D'Agnolo), and some contributed talks proposed by the participants. Those who want to submit a communication should send a title and a short abstract together with their registration form. Inclusion into the programme will be decided by the scientific committee.

Depending upon the outcome of our applications to funding institutions, some support may be available to PhD students and post- doctoral fellows. If you think you need support please indicate this in your application for registration.

If you are interested in participating, please write to igorre@sissa.it by January 31st, 2010.

Registered participants will receive further announcements, information about lodging and other details.

On behalf of the organizing committee, we hope you will be interested in this Workshop, and look forward to seeing you in Saint Jean des Monts.

Ugo Bruzzo Igor Mencattini Vladimir Rubtsov

Workshop web page: http://people.sissa.it/~bruzzo/wagp2010/index.htm

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