Martin Wolf

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Martin Wolf works in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Surrey since 2011. He is a member of the « Fields, Strings, and Geometry Group ».

He has got a PhD in Mathematical Physics from the Leibniz Universität Hannover. He holds also a Diplom (MSc by research) and a Vordiplom (BSc) in Physics both of which from the Technische Universitaet Dresden.

Prior to his appointment in Surrey, he was a Senior Research Fellow and College Tutor at the Wolfson College in Cambridge, an STFC Research Fellow at the University of Cambridge, and a Research Associate at the Imperial College London. His current research ranges from formal areas in mathematics to applied areas in theoretical/mathematical physics all of which centre around geometry:
- Twistor Geometry and Applications to Differential Geometry
- Higher Gauge Theory and Category Theory, and Membranes in String and M-Theory
- Integrability and Hidden Symmetries in String and Gauge Theory
- String Theory/Gauge Theory Dualities
- Instantons and Solitons
- Supergravity Theories
- Geometry, Monge-Ampere Structures, and Fluid Dynamics

For full details, please visit Dr Wolf's home page

He has a collaborating with Prof V Roubtsov for a couple of years. Dr J McOrist (Surrey), Prof V Roubtsov, Prof I Roulstone (Surrey), and Dr M Wolf are currently working on a project dealing with Monge-Ampere structures in fluid dynamics. In particular, we combine ideas from geometry such as complex differential geometry, higher (categorified) differential geometry, and twistor geometry to unravel the geometric properties of Monge-Ampere type equations arising in the study of the Navier-Stokes equation. Ultimately, we would like to understand how the fluid dynamics is governed by the underlying geomety. The purpose of Dr Wolf's visit is to discuss and make further progress on this project.

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Professor Paul Bressler's area of expertise is application of algebraic and homological methods to problems in analysis and geometry. For a number of years he has been interested in Courant algebroids and has published several papers on the subject, the first of which was written (in collaboration with A.Chervov) during his visit to l'Université d'Angers. His recent work concerns the connection between Courant algebroids and differential-graded geometry. We are planning to discuss the relevance of Courant algebroids to the theory of integrable systems, and in particular in light of the recent advances made by Professor Bressler. Of particular interest is the problem of quantization of Courant algebroids. We are hoping to develop some insights into this issue motivated by the known phenomena in the subject of integrable systems.

Recent publications on the subject: Paul Bressler, Camilo Rengifo arXiv:1802.07667 (accepted in Letters Math. Phys. 2018) On higher-dimensional Courant algebroids Paul Bressler, Alexander Gorokhovsky, Ryszard Nest, Boris Tsygan;On quasi-classical limits of DQ-algebroids Compositio Mathematica 153 (2017) 41-67

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