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Professor Paul Bressler's area of expertise is application of algebraic and homological methods to problems in analysis and geometry. For a number of years he has been interested in Courant algebroids and has published several papers on the subject, the first of which was written (in collaboration with A.Chervov) during his visit to l'Université d'Angers. His recent work concerns the connection between Courant algebroids and differential-graded geometry. We are planning to discuss the relevance of Courant algebroids to the theory of integrable systems, and in particular in light of the recent advances made by Professor Bressler. Of particular interest is the problem of quantization of Courant algebroids. We are hoping to develop some insights into this issue motivated by the known phenomena in the subject of integrable systems.

Recent publications on the subject: Paul Bressler, Camilo Rengifo arXiv:1802.07667 (accepted in Letters Math. Phys. 2018) On higher-dimensional Courant algebroids Paul Bressler, Alexander Gorokhovsky, Ryszard Nest, Boris Tsygan;On quasi-classical limits of DQ-algebroids Compositio Mathematica 153 (2017) 41-67