Stochastic Models in Ecology, Evolution and Genetics

Date début de l'évènement
Date de fin l'évènement

affiche_smeeg.jpgWe are pleased to invite you to SMEEG 2013, an international conference on Stochastic Models in Ecology, Evolution and Genetics to be held in Angers, France, from December 9 to 13, 2013.

This event will bring together both mathematicians and biologists who share interests in theoritical or applied aspects of ecology, evolution and genetic modeling. Topics will include:

  • Phylogenetic reconstructions, coalescents
  • Generalized branching processes
  • Large-scale behavior and rare events in population dynamics
  • Spatio-temporal modeling of population dynamics
  • High dimensional statistical inference in ecology, evolution and genetics

The conference aims to encourage discussions of the recent methodological and conceptual advances in these fields and to share knowledge with young researchers.

SMEEG 2013 is organized by a group of mathematicians and biologists from the University of Angers, Agrocampus Ouest and INRA, who are involved in MODEMAVE research project on mathematical models applied to vegetal biology.