Geometry of Kaehler manifolds and symplectic geometry

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Kaehler geometry builds on classical algebraic geometry, complex analysis and symplectic geometry, producing new means of study for complex manifolds.

We are bringing together mathematicians working in various domains of geometry to focus on recent advances in complex and Kaehler geometry and to celebrate F. A. Bogomolov's 65-th birthday in Nantes.

Affiche : posterBogomolov.pdf (197.15 Ko)

Organising committee:

  • Ekaterina Amerik (Orsay)
  • Gilles Carron (Nantes)
  • Andrei Pajitnov (Nantes)
  • Yann Rollin (Nantes)
  • Christoph Sorger (Nantes)
  • Misha Verbitsky (HSE, Moscow)

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